Letā€™s have an adventure YOUR WAY!

Let me show you the hidden gems of the Kansai area!

I live in Osaka so I can show you around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe and Hiroshima. But if thereā€™s somewhere else nearby that you want to go to, check with me and maybe we can go! I want to have an adventure too!

Itā€™s really simple, you can contact me and find out availability and then you can book the suggested tours below, or make a custom one! All of the tours are flexible, and the price covers my private guiding service for 5 hours, between 7AM and 4PM.

I do ground arrangement services such as booking accommodations, organise train tickets, sumo tickets, baseball tickets, football tickets, etc. I can create the itinerary for the group tours with small buses, too. The itineraries I create are 100% original, & none of them are the same. Iā€™m sure it would be an unforgettable experience for you. Feel free to contact me for the customized tours in Japan.